Please Join theStrategy and Soul Revolutionary Organizers Film Club Sustainer program
Please consider a one-time contribution and then sign up for a monthly amount of your choosing.
Fighting for the Social Welfare State not the Police State
The Climate Justice State not the Warfare State
Fighting for the viability of L.A.'s Black community--once 750,000 people in 1970, now 350,000 people in 2020. Cut LAPD budget by 50%—50% of all new public and private sector jobs must go to Black applicants. We are building a Black/Latinx multi-racial alliance for social justice
Building the Strategy and Soul Movement Center at the historic corner of Martin Luther King Jr. and Crenshaw Boulevards in South Central Los Angeles. Strategy and Soul is a 4 storefront complex—The Fight for the Soul of the Cities/Bus Riders Union community office, Strategy and Soul Film Theater, Strategy and Soul Bookstore and a future Strategy and Soul Food. Strategy and Soul is a center for refuge, reinvigoration, re-examination, and resistance with social service referrals, film showings, debate club, book discussions, and training in community organizing
Organizing for public health and climate justice Our Bus Riders Union is fighting for free public transportation on all MTA buses and trains and radical reductions in auto use to dramatically reduce criteria pollutants, air toxins, and greenhouse gases. We demand an immediate end to all fare enforcement to stop MTA racist profiling of Black passengers.
Building Youth, Women, Black and Latinx leaders through our Transformative Organizers High School Internship Program and our National Leadership School for Strategic Organizing.
Voices from the Frontlines—Your National Movement Building Show co-hosted by Eric Mann and Channing Martinez airs every Tuesday at 3 on and can be downloaded at
Strategy and Soul Revolutionary Organizers Film and Book Club co-hosted by Eric Mann and Channing Martinez Meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7pm PST
Participating in International movements at the United Nations as NGO delegates to World Conference Against Racism and United Nations Framework Climate Change Conference.
Working with students, bus riders, and community residents to fight for strategic and structural system change.
We hope you would consider becoming a Strategy and Soul Revolutionary Organizers Film and Book Club Monthly Sustainer beginning with the largest one-time contribution possible for your first month followed by a monthly contribution so you can support our work long-term and we can develop a dependable income stream to finance our work.
Yes here is a one-time contribution.
Yes, I want to be a Strategy and Soul Revolutionary Organizers Film Club Sustainer